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Image by mostafa meraji

The Consulting Office for the Middle East

We are partners of political and economic Middle Eastern experts led by Dr. ABD ALQADER NANAA.

We have all the theoretical and practical experience necessary to confront our region's risks and develop realistic solutions for achieving our goals.

Over the last decade, we have dealt with several risks and crises in which the region faced fatal dangers. We have provided influential institutions (governments and the private sector) with studies, recommendations, risk warnings, and opinions.


Therefore, we believe that creating a sustainable future for our region is deserved, feasible, and one of our responsibilities.

Image by Huilin Dai
Praying In Mosque

The Middle East Region:

The region under consideration encompasses a number of countries, the exact number of which is debatable. As a result, we are interested in studying the Arab Levant (Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan), the Arabian Gulf states, Egypt, and Yemen.


In addition to the active regional powers, Turkey, Iran.

We are also interested in events are happening in this region and have a significant impact.

The Middle East region is a central region that connects the world; it historically and currently holds significant political, economic, geopolitical, and geostrategic weight.


Because of that, the region has become entwined in complex global interdependence.

Image by abd sarakbi
Image by Jack Krier

The region has faced several crises and threats that have originated within it, spread to it from its neighbors, or have been imposed due to external competition. These crises were at their worst in the previous decade. While some of them persist in this decade, new risks are emerging.

We, as citizens of this region, believe in our political axiom, which is:


"We Deserve a Prosperous, Peaceful, and Sustainable Future"


We envision that and strive for it.


This future vision is the motivation for determining our strategy.

Image by Oliver Sjöström
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