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Image by NordWood Themes


We Deliver Exceptional Services Around the World in Both languages (English & Arabic) in the following MENA fields.


We know that time is the most valuable commodity in decision-making.

So, we are in a race against time.


We deliver you the requirement-designed studies ASAP AS NECESSARY. In addition to in-time recommendations. We apply modern analytic methods based on a constantly-update database.

Risk Warning

We are engaged in a continuous monitoring process that has many variables that occur within and outside the region that affect it. This process is proposed to warn about the region's risk levels.

Risk Analysis

After identifying risks in the "Risk Warning" process, we evaluate the components of those risks, how they interact with one another, and the possibilities for their future direction. This process helps us later in developing scenarios to deal with it.

MENA Risk Indicators

We goal to create a specialized indicator that connects the various risks, and generates timely warnings and direct plans for how to deal with them. We hope its first edition will be released in 2023.


To develop exceptional leaders, we offer specialized training courses based on scientific, practical, and adaptable methods that can be applied directly in a variety of fields.

We are keen to provide these courses by specialized trainers in a wide range of fields, including international affairs; political development; anti-corruption; good governance; risk and crisis management; and others.

Media Services

We also provide you with media interviews for current issues in MENA.

Supervision, Revision, and Scientific Arbitration

We also provide these services (in political affairs and international economic affairs) for scientific research, postgraduate theses, and books.

General Discussion

This service assists in preparing MENA-related discussions, either individually or collectively.


We are excited to form broad partnerships in research; training; media; public opinion; and other areas.

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